Song Link:
Things I want to replicate / try out:
Useful links:
Synonyms and Antonyms of Words |
- [ ] find and download the MP3 of the song and import it into Ableton
- [ ] find the key / bpm of the song
- [ ] SAVE w/ correct file format
- <song_name_here>_CLONE-<bpm>-<key>
- e.g.
- [ ] try to recreate the chords and drums by hand (even if it’s hard / embarrassing)
- [ ] for chords, make different versions for voicing
- [ ] most complex (initial transcribed version but cleaned up)
- [ ] middle complex (4-7 notes, no intricate melodies)
- [ ] simple (3 notes max - triads / middle octave up triads)
- [ ] re-sing the vocals for each section
- [ ] sing it all the way through and then adjust the key so it fits my own vocal range
Mess around:
- [ ] use the harmony + melody transcriber engine from Ableton for each section
- find any weird / cool mistakes that Ableton made, mess around with it a bit
- [ ] play around with it a bit!
- remove the vocals and recreate something entirely different
- sing about the opposite of whatever the original song is about
- if the song is having a conversation with somebody, write as the recipient to that song
- remove the instrumental and add new rhythm / chords underneath
- render the entire thing and change the BPM and add new drums / rhythm / style
- [ ] transcribe and save midi files
- [ ] main vocal melody
- [ ] main chord progression